I'm Not Your Trash Can

 March 24th, 2021 - I'm Not Your Trash Can 

​There has been so much going on lately! Feels like everyday has been full AND in fast-forward... but it's been such a blessing! My kids are thriving, my husband is amazing and I'm once again working on coming into my own without apology. I've been giving spontaneous "readings" and been continuing with my passion for dance. I can't complain.

HOWEVER!... I have noticed a trend in my life when it comes to certain disparities in relationships. Don't get me wrong; I'm not looking to lay blame on anyone because everyone functions differently and approaches life differently. I don't wish to begrudge someone for their personal decisions or lifestyle choices. Again I must say, HOWEVER... I DO recognize that I don't have to allow everyone into my energetic space or even my heart, out of obligation or guilt. I'm recognizing that sometimes people want me in their lives because of what I can ADD TO THEM, without attempting to reciprocate.

What are you talking about, Marisa?!
You ever have people in your life that call you to simply complain and "dark dump" in your lap? People that don't have anything positive to say, nor do they care to inquire into your realm of existence? People that approach life from the victim's standpoint of, everything is being done TO them? Those that actively seek to hoard your light and positivity in order to make themselves feel better, if only for a brief moment?  

Well, I will no longer be a garbage can to those that simply wish to "dump" their shit onto me so that they can feel 1,000lbs lighter, whilst I take on the burden of concern and drain. I'm over not being able to be 100% myself because I've allowed others to steal my light. It's time to do better because I know better.   This isn't about others, this is about ME and what I choose to allow. So here's where I ask: Are YOU ready to Begin YOUR Journey